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Why You’re Losing Money by Not Using Metal Roof Insulation

Posted on June 22, 2023

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Why You’re Losing Money by Not Using Metal Roof Insulation

While it’s true that metal roofs have a natural tendency to reflect heat and light, believing that they require no additional insulation can be a costly mistake. 

However, the truth is metal roofs do have natural insulation and reflective properties but they are not unaffected by temperature fluctuations. Despite reflecting a large portion of heat during the day, metal roofs are prone to absorb some of it and transfer it below the roof’s surface. Because of this transmission of heat, the need for roof insulation is clear.  

How Metal Roof Insulation Saves You Money

You might wonder why metal roofs, which are already energy-efficient and capable of reflecting a significant amount of heat, still require insulation. Allow us to address this concern and explain why not installing metal roof insulation can lead to financial loss. The following reasons will help you understand the importance of metal roof insulation:

Increased Energy Efficiency of Metal Roofs

Metal roofs are renowned for their energy efficiency and heat-reflective properties. However, they are not unaffected by temperature fluctuations. When metal roofs absorb heat, some of that heat can transfer to the interior, causing the temperature inside to rise. 

As a result, your HVAC system has to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature, leading to increased energy consumption and higher utility costs. By installing insulation underneath metal roofs, you can effectively absorb and reduce the transfer of heat, enhancing the energy efficiency of your home and keeping it cooler.

Reducing Noise

Metal roofs can be quite noisy during rainfall or when struck by external elements. Without proper insulation, these noises can be disruptive and bothersome for occupants, pets, and even neighbors. Insulation materials act as effective barriers, limiting the conduction of sound, heat, and light. By incorporating insulation, you can significantly reduce the noise generated by your metal roof, creating a more tranquil and peaceful living environment.

Extends The Roof’s Lifespan

While metal roofs are already known for their durability, installing insulation can further enhance their lifespan. Metal roofs are susceptible to thermal expansion and contraction due to their composition. These movements, caused by temperature changes, can negatively impact the roof’s durability and longevity. 

Moreover, constant thermal movement can lead to issues such as water infiltration and corrosion, compromising the roof’s integrity. By installing insulation, you can minimize these effects, protecting the metal roof and ensuring its excellent condition for many years to come.

Also, check out our blog post on how long metal roofs last.

Being Environmentally Friendly

Insulating a metal roof aligns with sustainable building practices and environmental conservation. By reducing energy consumption, insulation helps lower greenhouse gas emissions and reduces your carbon footprint. It promotes the use of energy-efficient solutions and contributes to creating a more sustainable and eco-friendly building. By insulating your metal roof, you not only save money but also play a part in preserving the environment for future generations.

The Importance of R-Value in Metal Roof Insulation

The R-value of insulation is a crucial factor that influences the cost and effectiveness of metal roof insulation. R-value refers to the insulation’s thermal performance and its ability to resist heat flow. A higher R-value indicates greater insulation effectiveness and better energy efficiency for roofs and homes. 

Different insulation materials and thicknesses can result in varying R-values. Manufacturers typically provide R-value information for each type and weight of insulation, enabling builders, contractors, and homeowners to select the most suitable insulation for their energy efficiency requirements and maintain comfortable indoor temperatures. 

When considering metal roofing insulation, it is recommended to prioritize options with a high R-value to maximize their cost-saving benefits and long-term performance.

Types Of Metal Roof Insulation And Their Costs

There are many types of metal roof insulation on the market, each differing in R-value and other insulation properties. The following list of metal roof insulations perfectly illustrates their R-values and the cost of installation. 

Fiberglass Batts

Fiberglass Batts

Fiberglass batts are a popular and inexpensive option for metal roof insulation. They are easy to install but may face challenges when placed around corners, and this insulation lacks vapor barriers. You must consider a professional installation for proper fitting and to address potential health hazards associated with handling fiberglass insulation.

The insulation material itself typically costs around $0.30 to $0.60 per square foot. The total cost, including labor, can range from $1.50 to $3.50 per square foot.

Spray Foam

Spray Foam Insulation

Spray foam is widely used and known for its excellent ability to insulate heat and sound. It creates an airtight seal, preventing heat transfer and reducing noise infiltration. With a long lifespan, spray foam insulation contributes to long-term cost savings. Professional installation is also necessary for optimal application and benefits.

The cost of spray foam insulation ranges from $0.50 to $2.50 per square foot, including materials and installation.

Rigid Foam Board

Rigid Foam Board

Rigid foam board insulation is a more expensive option compared to fiberglass batts, but it offers higher R-values and superior insulation performance. Typically used as an exterior insulation option, it effectively reduces noise from rain, hail, and wind. 

While its installation involves a higher upfront cost, rigid foam board can lead to greater energy savings in the long run. The cost of rigid foam insulation typically falls within the range of $0.25 to $1.50 per square foot for materials, with additional costs for installation.

Reflective Foil

Reflective Foil

Reflective foil insulation consists of a layer of reflective material that redirects heat away from the roof’s surface. It is commonly used in warmer climates to reduce heat gain. The cost of reflective foil insulation ranges from $0.20 to $0.80 per square foot for materials, with installation costs varying depending on the specific application method.

Cost Analysis: Insulation vs. No Insulation

Not installing metal roof insulation may initially seem like a way to save some money, but in the long run, it may not be the cost-effective decision you originally thought. While the upfront metal roof installation costs may be higher upfront, insulation helps reduce energy consumption by minimizing heat transfer and cooling demands. This leads to lower utility bills over time. The energy savings can result in substantial financial benefits, especially in regions with extreme weather conditions or high energy costs.

Replace Your Metal Roof With BRH Enterprises!

BRH Enterprises is your premier choice for all your roofing needs, specializing in top-quality roofing services. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing exceptional craftsmanship, and unparalleled customer service. Whether you’re looking for a complete roof replacement, metal roofing, or a thorough inspection, BRH Enterprises has got you covered.
Don’t wait to insulate your metal roof, call us today at (920) 249-4228 for a professional consultation and get started as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

A. While some insulation materials may be suitable for DIY installation, such as reflective foil insulation, we generally recommend our readers hire professionals for installing insulation on a metal roof. Proper installation is crucial for achieving optimal insulation performance and avoiding potential issues such as condensation or moisture problems.

A. Yes, you can install insulation for an existing metal roof. Various insulation materials and methods can be used, such as installing insulation to the underside of the roof deck.

A. The recommended R-value for metal roof insulation depends on factors like climate, building codes, and energy efficiency goals. Overall, higher R-values offer better insulation performance.

A. Metal roof insulation, when properly installed and maintained, can last for decades. Some insulation materials have a lifespan of over 40 years. Invest in high-quality insulation to ensure long-term benefits and cost savings

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