Roof Ridge Vent 101: Everything You Need To Know
Estimated Reading Time : 5 Min.

The roof is one of the most visible and essential parts of your home, so it’s important to keep this in great condition. But the roof is not a single part. It is made up of many different components such as Roof Ridge, Flashing, Sidewall, Valley, Soffit, Eave, Gable, and many more. All these parts should be in the best condition so that your roof can protect your home. In the following article, we will help you understand one of the important components of your home’s roof, the roof ridge vent.
The roof ridge is the highest point on a roof, which means it’s also the most vulnerable to weather. This part is often overlooked by homeowners. But even though it’s not necessarily the most noticeable part of the roof deck, it’s important for aesthetic, environmental, and even safety reasons. Here we’ll explain everything you need to know about including pros, cons, and types. But before we move ahead, let’s start with the meaning.
What Is A Roof Ridge Vent?
Ridge vents are the ventilation components of the roofing system for a house. Ridge vents are a necessary part of any roof. They’re usually installed at the peak of the sloped roofs and allow air to flow in and out from under your roof. They are placed on the ridge of the roof and covered with ridge caps. These can either be metal roof ridge caps, shingle caps, or any other that matches the rest of your roofing materials.
Why Are Roof Ridge Vents Necessary?
Earlier ridge vents were not considered that much necessary. But as times passed, their importance also increased. Cut to the present times, Almost all homes in Wisconsin now have a ridge vent installed. This is because of its many advantages. Some of them are highlighted below.
Helps To Maintain The Temperature
When you’re having a new home built then installing a ridge vent is the best way to maintain the optimal temperature of your home. Since there are vents on the roof, heat can escape the house naturally. It doesn’t have to be vented out like a normal house would, which keeps things cool inside.
Not only summers, but ridge vent helps in winter also. During the winter, the design of the vents can help you save some on your utility bills, as the ridge vents on the roof prevent warm air to go through.
Keeps Rodents Away
We all know that rodents are our roof’s biggest enemies. They can slowly and steadily deteriorate the conditions of your roof or the attic, by making nests and covering the air holes, and damaging the insulation. But you don’t have to worry about this problem if you have roof ridge vents installed. The design of the ridge vent is such that it becomes effective at blocking out the elements, making it near impossible for rodents to enter.
Regulates The Air Flow
The most efficient way to provide adequate air movement in your home is by installing a ridge vent. Why? Because a ridge vent installation covers the entire ridgeline of your home’s roof. These roof vents work best in colder climates because they allow hot air to escape and cold air to flow in. This type of ventilation system keeps your attic at the ideal temperature year-round, by effectively regulating the airflow. Thus, your house is sure to receive sufficient natural air, keeping things inside the home fresher!
Improves Aesthetic
Apart from ventilation, the roof ridge vents have another role to play, improve the aesthetics of your residential property. It is obvious that you do not want you don’t want your roof ridge vent to stick out like a sore spotted thumb, but instead blend in seamlessly with the rest of your house.
Roof ridge vents come in a wide range of colors and designs, so they match almost any roof design. They blend in with your roof perfectly.
Healthy Home
Poor indoor air quality is a serious issue. Indoor air pollution has been ranked among the most dangerous environmental factors affecting public health today. And although we spend around 90% of our time indoors, most people only realize the importance of home air filters when they notice the signs — coughing and sneezing, fatigue, and headaches. With a ridge vent, you can improve your home’s indoor airflow, increase natural light and create a healthier living environment for your family or yourself.
Cons Of Roof Ridge Vents
These ridge vents suffer from some drawbacks as well. Take note of the following points as well before you decide to install it.
High Costs
Most of the ridge vents available in the market can be a bit costly, especially the ones from a quality manufacturer. This expensive ridge vent installation may not be suitable for every homeowner’s budget and they will have to think about whether they can allow the budget for it or not. The cost of a ridge vent on the roof can further rise if you live in an older home as this may require you to buy soffits along with ridge vents as well.
Professional Installation
One of the reasons for the high up-front costs of ridge vents is that it requires expert installation. This process requires precision and specialization. You should not try to install it yourself as the margin of error is low and a slight mistake can damage the ridge roof and lead to problems such as leaking. Thus, in order to ensure a successful installation, only a professional should do the job.
Leak Prone
This is one of the major concerns that Wisconsin homeowners have with their ridge vents. These can leak during heavy rains and storms, leading to water and moisture build-up in the roof and attic area. Though there are several reasons for this, one of the most common ones that lead to leaks is improper installation. Thus it is important that you make sure you hire only experienced and qualified roofing professionals for ridge vent installation.
Does Not Fit Well With Some House
There are cases where the ridge vent may not fit with the roof. The main purpose of the vent is to necessitate the flow of air. Ventilation type depends on roof gradient, roof design, and roof plan. All these factors can affect airflow. If your roof does not receive sufficient airflow, then the ridge may not perform as expected. Also, they work best with a steep roof and are not suitable for flatter roofs.
Types Of Ridge Vents
It is clear that the advantages of roof ridge overshadow its limitations. This is a must-have component to keep your home fresh and protected. If you are thinking of ridge vent installation but are confused about the type, then don’t worry, this section will clear your doubts.
There are two most popular types of ridges present in the market, namely shingle-over and aluminum ridge vent.
Shingle-Over Roof Ridge
A shingle-over ridge vent is an innovative venting system that allows you to easily add ventilation to your roof while matching the look of your asphalt shingle roof. Shingle-over models are the most common type of ridge vent, as they blend seamlessly with shingles and tile. These types of vents can typically come with an external baffle that deflects rain, snow, and wind — protecting your house from weather damage.
These ridge vents are designed with polypropylene and polyester in a copolymer resin, making them as durable and insulating as possible.
Aluminum Roof Ridge
An aluminum ridge vent is a great way to make any roof look and perform better. Aluminum ridge vents have been used by homeowners for quite some time now and are renowned for their energy-saving capabilities. These used fasteners and nails on the outside. They are exceptionally effective in maintaining a constant flow of air in and out of the attic — which helps keep your home cool during the summer and warm during colder months.
However, since they are the older type, they are not able to withstand extreme winds and storms and there are high chances of them being blown off by storms.
Want To Install A New Roof?
We have now looked at both the types of ridge roof vents that go onto your roof and help in attic ventilation. Both these types have their own pros and cons and you need to decide on the product on the basis of the area you live in.
If you want help with roof ridge or are facing any other problem related to roofing, then we would love to help you. BRH Enterprises is a team of highly skilled professionals having a combined experience of more than 20 years. We have successfully operated in Mayville, Fond Du Lac, and surrounding areas of Wisconsin. Give us a call now at (920) 249-4228 to move forward with the process.