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Read This Before Installing K-Style Gutters: Pros, Cons, and Top Brands!

Posted on December 6, 2023

Estimated Reading Time : 7 Min.

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Read This Before Installing K-Style Gutters: Pros, Cons, and Top Brands!

Gutters are really important for keeping homes safe from water damage. One style of gutter that is popular among homeowners is K-style gutters. This guide will tell you all about them – their design, their advantages, common problems, what they’re made of, the best manufacturers, how to install them, and how to take care of them. 

If you’re thinking about installing new gutters, read this guide first to make sure they are the best choice for your property.

What are K-Style Gutters?

One popular kind of rain gutter is the K-style gutter, sometimes known as the ogee gutter. From the side, they resemble the letter K because of their curved front and flat bottom. These gutters complement the home’s roofline nicely, making them an attractive addition. The most common widths are 5 to 6 inches, though larger ones are available in 7 and 8 inches. 

The fact that they are simple to install and can be fastened directly to the fascia boards is one reason why many homeowners find them appealing. K-style gutters come in a variety of materials, including vinyl, copper, steel, and aluminum. These options resist rust and are resilient enough to withstand severe weather.

K-style gutters can hold more water than other gutter types thanks to their unique shape, and they do a good job of channeling water away from the home during heavy downpours. However, the inside corners can collect leaves and other debris, which makes them slightly more difficult to clean than some other gutter designs.

Benefits of K-Style Gutters

There are many reasons why homeowners choose to install K-style gutters on their homes, including: 

1. Aesthetic Appeal: 

K-style gutters complement various home styles with their sleek, contemporary appearance and can improve the exterior appearance of a property.

2. Great at Handling Water: 

The ability of these gutters to control water flow helps shield gardens and the home’s foundation from harm. They are ideal for areas with frequent storms or rain because of their shape, which allows them to withstand intense rain without spilling over.

3. Extremely Sturdy and Durable: 

K-style gutters are resilient and difficult to break. They are resistant to bending, breaking, and can withstand strong winds.

4. Affordable: 

K-style gutters are affordable to install and maintain. They give homeowners a lot of options because they are simple to install, have fewer joints, and are available in various sizes, metals, and colors.

5. Less Chance of Leaks: 

Because of their flat back, K-style gutters can be directly nailed to fascia boards without needing extra support. This reduces the chance of leaks and makes the gutters more durable.

6. Easy to Install Yourself: 

You can easily attach K-style gutters to fascia boards yourself, making installation simple and reducing the chance of damage or leaks.

Common Issues with K-Style Gutters

Although K-style gutters come with a lot of advantages, it’s important to consider the drawbacks before choosing them for your home. 

1. Prone to Clogs: 

Leaves, twigs, and pine needles can easily accumulate in K-style gutters due to their sharp turns and flat bottom. This may lead to obstructions and reduce water flow.

2. Cleaning Can Be Difficult: 

If you live in an area with a lot of trees, the corners in K-style gutters can create areas where debris can become stuck. It can get difficult to clean your gutters because of the rapid accumulation of leaves and other debris.

3. Sagging Gutters: 

Due to their tendency to clog, K-style gutters may sag if there is a blockage preventing the water from flowing out of them as it should. The hangers may break under the additional weight.

4. Leaks: 

Improper installation can lead to loose joints, gaps, or corrosion, which can all cause leaks in your gutters.

Top Brands of K-Style Gutters

If you decide that K-style gutters are the right choice, consider choosing from these top brands: 

1. Amerimax Home Products: 

Amerimax Home Products offers aluminum, galvanized steel, and copper K-style gutters in various sizes, and their high quality has made them popular among consumers. These gutters handle high water capacity, preventing erosion and foundation damage. Amerimax also offers a variety of gutter guards and screens, protecting your drainage system from clogs and extending its lifespan.

2. Englert: 

Englert is a well-known business with many years of experience that specializes in producing colorful and long-lasting K-style gutters. Their factories produce gutter coil and accessories, like elbows and downspouts, guaranteeing uniform colors and quality products. Englert is the place to go when you need anything from gutter coils to downspouts, hangers, and fasteners. They have an extensive selection of high-quality parts for K-style gutters, making them a dependable partner for gutter solutions due to their dedication to quality and reputation in the industry.

How To Install K-Style Gutters

To install K-style gutters, follow these steps:

1. Plan Ahead: 

Sketch your gutter system layout, considering length, downspout locations, and gutter size.

2. Select Material and Size: 

Choose the right material and size based on your home’s style and climate.

3. Get Tools and Materials: 

Gather tools like a ladder, tape measure, level, chalk, sealant, screws or nails, and accessories like clips and downspouts.

4. Remove Old Gutters: 

If replacing your old gutter system, disconnect downspouts, remove old gutters, and check fascia boards for damage.

5. Prepare Fascia Boards: 

Clean and reinforce fascia boards. Fill any gaps with wood filler and let it dry.

6. Install Gutter Hangers: 

Use screws or nails to attach gutter hangers to fascia boards. K-style gutters have a flat back, making fastening easy

7. Ensure Proper Slope: 

Use a level and chalk line to maintain the correct slope, 1/4-inch drop for every 10 feet is standard. Adjust the gutter position as needed.

8. Secure the Gutters: 

Use screws or nails to secure the gutter to fascia boards, ensuring it’s straight and stable.

9. Install Downspouts:

Attach downspouts to guide water away from critical areas and the foundation.

10. Caulk and Seal: 

Fill gaps with caulk or sealant to prevent leaks and ensure a tight fit.

11. Clean the Gutters: 

After installation, clean to remove debris or residue.

K-Style Gutter

Common K-Style Gutter Materials

K-style gutters come in different materials, each with different benefits. Here are the common options:

1. Aluminum

This is the most popular choice because it’s rust-resistant, affordable, and comes in various sizes and colors. Aluminum is lightweight, easy to maintain, and has a seamless design to prevent leaks.


Lightweight, affordable, resistant to corrosion and rust, available in many colors.


Can dent more easily than other materials.


Good for most homes, especially where cost and rust resistance are priorities.

2. Copper 

Copper is the priciest option, but is durable and looks elegant. It doesn’t corrode, ages beautifully, and needs little maintenance.


 Long lifespan, ages gracefully, will not corrode.

> Weaknesses: 

 It is expensive, needs professional installation, and can develop a patina.

> Suitability: 

  Ideal for homes where a long-lasting and stylish gutter system is desired.

3. Galvanized Steel: 

These gutters are strong and need less maintenance. They resist corrosion and withstand heavy winds, but may rust if not properly taken care of.

> Strengths: 

 Durable, long-lasting, resistant to damage.

> Weaknesses: 

Can rust without proper maintenance, heavier than other materials.

> Suitability: 

Suitable for places needing extra strength, but regular upkeep is crucial.

4. Vinyl: 

Vinyl gutters are affordable, lightweight, and resist rust and rot. They’re easy to install but may not be as durable as metal and can become brittle over time.

> Strengths: 

Low initial cost, easy to install, low maintenance.

> Weaknesses: 

Can crack in extreme temperatures, and has a lower lifespan than metal.

> Suitability: 

Good for mild climates and projects prioritizing low cost and easy installation.

Homeowners should choose the best material based on their budget, style preferences, and maintenance needs.

How to Maintain and Clean K-Style Gutters

To keep K-style gutters working well, follow these maintenance and cleaning tips:

> Clean Regularly: 

Clean K-style gutters at least twice a year, or more often if you see debris buildup or clogs.

> Stay Safe: 

Use safety gear like heavy gloves, non-slip shoes, safety goggles, and a tall ladder when performing maintenance. Keep proper posture on the ladder and avoid leaning on the sides.

> Install Gutter Guards: 

Use gutter guards to minimize cleaning needs and stop debris from clogging the gutters.

> Cleaning Tools: 

For K-style gutters with flat bottoms and sharp angles, use a brush or flexible wire to clear debris. If needed, rinse with a garden hose to wash away remaining leaves or twigs.

> Inspect for Damage: 

While cleaning, check for leaks, loose joints, or corrosion. If you find issues, consult a professional for repairs or replacements.

Also Read: Expert Tips On Gutter Maintenance For Homeowners in Wisconsin

How To Measure K-Style Gutters

Before installing new gutters, it’s important to know what size you need. To measure K-style gutters, follow these steps:

1. Calculate Gutter Width: 

K-style gutters typically come in 5 or 6-inch sizes. Measure the top gutter opening’s width to determine the size.

2. Measure Gutter Length: 

Position a measuring tape along each gutter section. Place a chalk marker at the endpoint, record the measurement, and then move the ladder to the marker. Continue measuring until the gutters’ whole length is determined.

3. Check Gutter Depth: 

To measure the gutter’s depth, measure from its top to bottom edge. Determine the average after taking measurements at both ends and the middle. Greater depth is usually associated with wider gutters, for example, K-style gutters are typically deeper than half-round gutters.

4. Look at Gutter Slope: 

To measure the gutter slope, use a chalk line and a level. Make sure the chalk line is parallel to the front edge and straight as you lay it along the bottom edge. For every 10 feet of horizontal distance, the gutter slopes downward by the slope percentage, which depends on your home’s specific needs.


To sum up, we hope this complete guide has given you a good grasp of K-style gutters. Remember to consider your personal preferences and local weather conditions when choosing the best K-style gutters for your home. If you follow the tips we shared, you can make smart choices to keep your gutters in good condition for years to come. 

Looking For The Best K-Style Gutter Services In Wisconsin?

Do you need new gutters? BRH Enterprises is here to help! We are the K-style gutter experts in Wisconsin. From new installations to repairs, we take care of everything. With our expertise, we ensure that your home remains safe from water damage and looks good without breaking the bank. Give BRH Enterprises a call at (920) 249-4228 for excellent K-style gutter services!

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